بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

Communicating Securely and Anonymously with OnionShare

To contact me securely and anonymously, please use the Tor Browser. Onion links, which can only be accessed with Tor Browser and not with any other browsers, will be used to ensure privacy and security. These Onion links are temporary, so bookmarking them won't be necessary as they will no longer be valid once the session ends. When I’m available, I will generate and share a temporary Onion site link using OnionShare, which allows for private, encrypted chats. If a randomly generated Onion link appears in the box below, it means I’m online and ready to connect. Upon entering the chat, you will be assigned a random username to ensure anonymity, but you can change it to any temporary username of your choice.

Disclaimer: If the box above is empty, it means I'm currently unavailable. Please refresh this page during the following times when I'm likely to be available, insha'Allah:

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