بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

Support My Work: Your Contribution Matters

If you find value in the content provided here and would like to help ensure its continued growth and maintenance, your support would be greatly appreciated. Every donation helps cover the costs of running this site—such as hosting, domain expenses, and supporting ongoing content creation. Your contribution, no matter the amount, makes a meaningful difference and helps keep this project alive.

Donate via Monero (XMR):
Learn more: https://getmonero.org/
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Learn more: https://bitcoin.org/

BaarakAllahu feekum.

Important Notice:

Domain Expiration:
November 30, 2025
Annual cost: €30
Hosting Expiration:
June 30, 2025
Monthly cost: €15

May Allah reward all the generous donors who have supported this project. Your support is a form of sadaqah jaariyah (continuous charity), and each time someone learns from this site, you share in the reward.

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