Why Support This Work?
If you find value in the content provided here and would like to help ensure its continued growth and maintenance, your support would be greatly appreciated. Every donation helps cover the costs of running this site and allows for the creation of more content.
You can contribute by donating to the following cryptocurrency addresses:
Donation Addresses
XMR: 84SXXKvx9sARyYU1dpxb6AdwWG3R1AqGFXZrLQnUh4AdWVcGRqxE2sSYwojtidXb2mNNbMUypZWyuZwP3x8gSywd88EfHUL
Important Notice
Domain Expiration: November 30, 2025
Hosting Expiration: June 30, 2025
- Annual Domain Cost: €30
- Monthly Server Cost: €15
May Allah reward all the generous donors who have supported this project. For the sake of transparency, I have shared the expiration dates and costs. You can choose to support my work by adjusting your contribution in cryptocurrency to cover these costs or any amount you feel comfortable with.
Insha'Allah, I hope that some of you will have the opportunity to earn continuous rewards (sadaqah jaariyah) by extending the hosting time, ensuring that this valuable resource continues to benefit others long after it's shared. Every time someone learns from this site, you share in the reward.
Jazaakum Allahu khayran for your ongoing support.